

In a large pot with about a 15' base (I used my le creuset french oven) heat 8 tbsps olive oil. Saute 1 large chopped onion and 1 large chopped pimiento until the onion is wilted. Add 3 peeled, chopped tomatoes and cook 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Meanwhile, in a processor, mix 8 almonds, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsps chopped parsley until they are very finely chopped. Add 2 cups of rice to the tomato mixture and stir to coat. Stir in the garlic mixture, then 1/4lb frozen green beans, 1/2 cup frozen peas, 3/4 cup frozen lima beans (you can use fresh veggies, but you'll need to cook them in advance) and 2 carrots, scraped and sliced 1/2' thick. Pour in 4 cups of chicken broth (I used 3 cups broth, 1 cup white wine), and if desired add bite-sized pieces of cooked boneless chicken breast. Add 1/4 tsp saffron if you have it, and salt to taste. Bring to a rolling boil, then lower the heat to medium and let it cook for 7 minutes on top of the stove, uncovered, stirring frequently, until the rice is no longer soupy, but some liquid remains. Transfer to a 325F oven and bake, uncovered, 10 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed but the rice is not quite done. Decorate with wedges of hard boiled egg and artichoke hearts, then bake 5 minutes more. Remove, cover loosely with foil and let sit 10 minutes before serving. Decorate with lemon wedges and sprinkle with 2 tbsps minces parsley


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