Raw Cranberry Salad


    Here you can create a recipe. To create a recipe Ingredients:
    Cranberries, 3 cup, chopped (remove)
    *Dole 'Crushed Pineapple' 100% pineapple juice (no sugar), 2 cup (remove)
    California Navel Orange - medium orange (131g), 1 serving (remove)
    Pecans, 1 cup, chopped (remove)
    Granulated Sugar, 3 cup (remove)
    Water, tap, 3 cup (8 fl oz) (remove)
    Gelatin (Jello) prepared with water, 3 package (3 oz) yields (remove)

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    NOTE: Even though you added ingredients above for nutritional calculations, entering them in plain text will make your recipe easier for others to read and understand.
    Recipe Categories:
    Main Category:
    (required) Poultry Beef & Pork Fish Vegetarian Appetizers, Soups & Salads Side Items Snacks Desserts
    Course: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dessert Side Dish Snack Drink Sandwich Soup Salad
    Cuisine: Asian Italian Mexican French German Indian Spanish Other
    Dietary Needs: Vegetarian Vegan Lactose Free Gluten Free Low Fat Low Carb Sugar Free
    Occasion: Brunch Thanksgiving Christmas Cookout Party Kids Birthday Picnic
    Prep Time: (minutes)
    Cooking Time: (minutes)

    Serving Size: (required)
    Example "makes 24 2 inch pieces" or "makes 8 1-cup servings."
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