Energy Bars


    60 grams or 1/2 c. Peanuts, dry-roasted (with salt),
    60 grams or 1/2 c. Mixed Nuts, dry roasted (salt added),
    80 grams or 1/2 C Apricots or other dried fruit (remove)
    160 grams or 2 C Oatmeal, uncooked, Rolled Oats old fashioned or instant
    50 g or 2 cups Rice Krispies Cereal,
    130 grams or 1/2 C Peanut Butter, smooth or crunchy style
    100 grams or 1/2 C Brown Sugar, packed
    165 grams or 1/2 C Light Corn Syrup,
    1 tsp Vanilla Extract, or other extract like almond...
    1/2 tsp Cinnamon or other spice if you prefer


Good Snack For Kids, Portable, Not Too Messy, And You Know Exactly What's In Them, Unlike Store Bought Granola Bars. This Is Really Easy To Adapt By Changing The Nuts And Fruits And Spices You Add. Could Also Use Other Extracts Besides Vanilla.

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